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Mecanizados Acebrón

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Progress Report: United Nations Global Compact Mecace

In this first annual progress communication, we describe our actions to continually improve the integration of the Global Compact and its principles into our business strategy, culture and daily operations.

Significant stakeholders

  • Clients
  • Employees
  • Suppliers
  • Community
  • Environment
  • Administration
  • Partners/ Shareholders

Criteria for the selection of interest groups

Those who are directly or indirectly affected by the activity of the company and whose performance affects our decision-making: incorporating the Environment as a stakeholder.


Identifying the stakeholders, and what their expectations are, are aspects that facilitate the comprehensive implementation of CSR within any organization. This will allow entities to anticipate possible risks or opportunities and establish follow-up policies, actions, tools and indicators such as those included in this report.

  • Select the most relevant stakeholders of your entity.
  • Identify the most significant sustainability issues for the selected stakeholders.
  • Describe in detail the work of the entity in the matter through:
    • Policies
    • Actions / Projects
    • Tracking tools
    • Monitoring indicators


The satisfaction of our clients is vital to maintain a relationship of trust and loyalty.

  • Code of Ethics / Conduct: This code guarantees the collective application of the commitments of Mecanizados Acebrón S.L., the effective fulfillment of human and labor rights and the integration of all groups of people that comprise it.
  • Quality policy: we have a Quality, Environment and Health and Safety at Work policy, as part of our integrated management system for Quality Environment and Health and Safety at Work
  • Internal and external communication: We try to have a fluid communication of the relevant facts and situations that occur on a day-to-day basis, both with our internal staff and with our clients.
  • Satisfaction Surveys / Monitoring Tools: Annually, the satisfaction survey is sent to our clients, which is one of our fundamental indicators to know first-hand what our clients think of our services, etc.
  • Incident management / Monitoring indicator: We have several quality indicators related to customer incidents, non-quality cost, customer complaints, delivery times, …


  • Health and safety in the workplace: The health and safety of the personnel is a priority for the company.
  • Gender equality: At Mecanizados Acebrón SL we have an Equality Plan approved by the Management and by the equality committee.
  • Promote environmental awareness: Caring for and respecting our environment is a priority, therefore we sensitize staff to incorporate good environmental practices into their daily activities
  • Family and work conciliation: Family and work conciliation is very important for the company.


Evaluation of suppliers in CSR aspects: To maintain a relationship of trust and loyalty, and thus guarantee a quality supply chain, it is very important to maintain stable relationships with our suppliers.

  • Purchasing Policy: When we establish a new commercial relationship with a supplier, we send them all the policies and requirements that Mecanizados Acebrón S.L. demands to work continuously.
  • Evaluation of suppliers based on criteria of human rights, labor standards, the environment and the fight against corruption: Before establishing a new business relationship, we send the potential supplier a questionnaire to evaluate it and we ask them to send us all the supporting documents. that are applicable in said evaluation.
  • Supplier approval sheets: All of our approved suppliers are evaluated annually.
  • Number of complaints and inquiries about suppliers: We have supplier incidents by number of orders as a monitoring indicator.

Partners/ Shareholders

Transparency in the presentation of information: Mecanizados Acebrón S.L. It is a family business that is totally transparent with its partners.

  • Ethical code: This Code guarantees the collective application of the commitments of Mecanizados Acebrón S.L., the effective fulfilment of human and labor rights and the integration of the entire group of people that comprise it.
  • Communication with the partner or shareholder: As all shareholders are members of the family, very direct communication is maintained, since they all carry out their professional activity in the company.
  • Shareholders’ meeting: A General Shareholders’ Meeting is held on a quarterly basis to discuss all relevant issues.


Identification of unethical or illegal conducts: It is vital for the company to identify unethical or illegal conduct, and prevent it from occurring.

  • Ethical code: This Code guarantees the collective application of the commitments of Mecanizados Acebrón S.L. and the effective fulfillment of human and labor rights and the integration of the entire group of people that comprise it.
  • Measures taken to prevent corruption:
    • The administrative body has effectively adopted and executed organization and execution models that include suitable surveillance and control measures to prevent crimes.
    • The supervision of the operation and compliance with the implemented prevention model has been entrusted to a body of the legal entity with autonomous powers of initiative and control.


Commitment to human rights: Mecanizados Acebrón, S.L. It is part of the United Nations Global Compact as a signatory since May 14, 2020.

  • Human rights policy: We have a Quality, Environment and Health and Safety at Work policy, as part of our integrated management system for Quality Environment and Health and Safety at Work.
  • Dissemination of the policy: The policy is communicated to our interested parties through our website, by means of a billboard at our facilities, by email and social networks.
  • Suggestion box: We have a suggestion box available to our interested parties.

Contribution of the company to local development: In Mecanizados Acebrón, S.L. we like to contribute to local development.

  • Conduct: This Code guarantees the collective application of the commitments of Mecanizados Acebrón S.L., the effective fulfillment of human and labor rights, and the integration of the entire group of people that make it up.
  • Actions to promote local development by collaborating with NGOs, agreements with educational centers to host internships and financially collaborating with local associations to sponsor the organization of festive or cultural days.
  • Meetings with the main representatives of the communities: The management of Mecanizados Acebrón S.L., holds periodic meetings with representatives of the administrations at the local, provincial and regional levels.
  • Number of local development projects: We have signed a collaboration agreement for training with two Galician Institutes to teach Dual FP cycles, one for welding and the other for mechanical manufacturing.
  • Number of sectoral alliances: We consider it essential to create strategic and sectoral alliances in which we collaborate and pool efforts to improve competitiveness.


Sustainable use of resources and technologies that respect the environment

For the company, the sustainable use of resources and technologies that respect the environment is very important.

  • Current Regulations: comply with current regulations
  • Quality and Environment Policy: We have a Quality, Environment and Health and Safety at Work policy, as part of our integrated Quality, Environment and Health and Safety at Work management system.

Currently we are certified in ISO 9001 and ISO 14001, in 2022 we plan our certification in ISO 45001, to make it coincide with the renewal of the ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certificates and thus remain the three integrated systems.

  • Environmental Management Systems (EMS): We have an integrated Quality, Environment and Safety and Health at Work system. We are currently certified in ISO 9001 and ISO 14001, in 2022 we plan our certification in ISO 45001.
  • Good practices to reduce energy consumption such as turning it off when not in use, having a good design in the workspace suitable for taking advantage of natural light helps us save energy or only use it when light is not enough solar.
  • Set of good practices to reduce paper consumption such as using each folio on both sides, using used paper to print test documents or in general, printing the document in black and white on both sides.
  • Management of waste and electrical and electronic equipments since paper should not be mixed with containers, nor containers with solid waste, paper should not be thrown in any of the other containers for individual or collective use, likewise, there is a single exclusively dedicated container to the waste paper bin.
  • Including environmental criteria in purchasing policies: One of our essential requirements for the approval of suppliers is environmental management.
  • Mechanisms for evaluating compliance with environmental objectives: To carry out efficient environmental management, we have measurement indicators for consumption and the generation of waste, both hazardous and non-hazardous, and we evaluate environmental performance annually.
Knowledge of the entity’s environmental impact

Knowing the environmental impact of the entity is essential for the company.

  • Environmental Management Systems (EMS): We have an ISO-14001 certified Environmental Management system.
  • Evaluation of environmental aspects in the supply chain: We identify and evaluate all environmental aspects associated with activities, products and services both under normal / abnormal operating conditions and in emergency situations, taking into account the life cycle.
  • Mechanisms for evaluating compliance with environmental objectives: We have procedures for operational control and control of significant environmental aspects.
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