VII Galicia Energy Awards
Last June the Association of Industrial Engineers of Galicia, in collaboration with the Illustrious College
Acebron Group Signs a Dual FP Welding Boilermaking
At Acebron Group we are committed to the dual professional training to train the future
Adrián Portela, Project Manager at Acebrón Group
We have had the pleasure of interviewing Adrián Portela, Project Manager of Acebrón Group and
Acebrón Group and The United Nations Global Compact
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]From Acebrón Group we are pleased to announce that we have become part of the SPANISH NETWORK OF THE UNITED NATIONS GLOBAL COMPACT. It is the largest corporate sustainability initiative in the world with more than 12,500 signatory entities and a presence in more than 160 countries based on ten principles.Some of these principles talk about different duties that companies have to respect such as the protection of human rights, the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour, encourage initiatives that promote greater environmental responsibility and support the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][vc_single_image image="3466" img_size="full" onclick="img_link_large" css_animation="fadeIn"][vc_empty_space][vc_column_text]
Acebrón Group Crisis-Covid19 [Update 31 March 2020]
[Protocol Update 31 March 2020]Due to the health alarm that we are currently living as
Acebron Group’s work reconciliation program
Carrying out a labour reconciliation programme is a key measure to promote equality between workers and improve their performance.Providing facilities for employees to combine personal life with work, allows workers with young children, who have to take care of a family member, who are training while workingin... to get more out of their day and make the most of their time. More importantly, that the whole workforce can count on the same facilities and not have to give up a job because they can't match it with their extra-work life.
Balance of Acebron Group’s training courses in 2019
Behind a big company, there's a great team. That is why, at Acebron Group we are committed to the training of our workers, because investment in human capital is the best means to excel in quality and innovation.
Acebron Group was the beneficiary of the grant Galicia Exporta Organismos Intermedios
This grant is given to encourage the internationalisation plans by carrying out promotional actions abroad,
Acebron Group beneficiary of an aid from Igape to the Factory 4.0 pilot projects
Acebron Group has been the beneficiary of an aid from Igape to the Factory 4.0
Lloyd’s Register gives Acebron Group a certificate of recognition for our commitment to quality.
Last Wednesday, our quality manager, Carlos Basoa, attended on behalf of Acebron Group to the